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  • Writer's pictureRui Ferreira

The 10 Best Thermogenic Foods

If you want to speed up your metabolism and lose weight I recommend you to add these natural ingredients to your plate.

Thermogenic substances contained in certain foods have the ability to raise body temperature, speeding up metabolism and increasing lipid burning. This occurs because thermogenesis is a process regulated by the nervous system and interferences in this system can help in the control of weight loss and obesity.

All foods use energy to be metabolized by the body but there are some that stand out more than others for inducing the metabolism to work at a faster rate. And all the activities performed by the body consume energy, right? This includes the digestive process, which can be used in your favor to slim down when what is in question are the natural thermogenic foods.

So by consuming some product that has this feature, weight loss can be achieved if that is your main goal. But notice that on their own they have no magical powers! If they are not associated with frequent physical activities and a balanced diet, they have no effect on your body.

“All foods use energy to be metabolized by the body but there are some that stand out more than others for inducing the metabolism to work at a faster rate.”

In addition to providing fat loss, natural thermogenic foods also contribute to:

# Muscle Gain: Some studies have shown gains in muscle mass with greater use of these substances, both in sedentary men, with a frequent exercise program for 10 weeks, and an increase in muscle mass in overweight women, also submitted to physical activities in the period.

# Exercise Performance: For high intensity exercise, thermogenics can improve muscle endurance, not power. This translates into more muscle contractions, not the stronger ones. It follows on the theory that more repetitions would create advanced muscle growth.

So here is the list of the 10 best thermogenic foods:

-Caffeine: This is a stimulant plant substance, able to cross the barrier of our brain and promote several benefits such as increased energy and disposition, decreased fatigue, improved sports performance, and thermogenic effect.

-Cinnamon: It also increases basal metabolism and has a high content of mineral calcium, an important substance for weight loss. Sprinkled over fruits (about a shallow teaspoon), contributes to weight loss and yet makes the meal delectable. Another alternative is in hot drinks like milk, coffee or teas.

-Hibiscus tea: Take one liter per day, and for one liter of water you should use one tablespoon of the flower.

-Green tea: Five cups of tea a day for three months can result in a very good result on the scale. But beware: anyone who has insomnia should not ingest green tea in the afternoon or evening.

-Ginger: This root can increase caloric expenditure by more than 10%. It can be consumed in a variety of ways, raw, in marinades to season meats, poultry and fish, and still looks great in tomato sauce, vegetable soups, juices and teas when mixed with other herbs.

-Red pepper: This specific type of pepper is rich in capsaicin, a substance that helps increase the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue. It increases by up to 20% the metabolic activity if ingested in the amount of three grams per day, and can be added in salads and hot dishes as seasoning. It can be used sparingly at lunch and should be avoided at dinner so as not to disrupt sleep quality. See all the benefits of pepper here.

-Coconut oil: It is rich in saturated fats of the medium chain triglycerides type (TCM), which are more easily digested, absorbed and transformed into energy, thus aiding in weight loss. Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid, which assists in promoting cardiovascular health and strengthens the immune system. In addition, it is highly resistant to oxidative rancidity, making it a natural antioxidant.

-Apple cider vinegar: The acidity of apple cider vinegar appears to have a pepper-like effect, having a thermogenic effect when consumed 1 to 1 ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 2 times a day. Some authors suggest benefits in decreasing waist circumference.

-Foods with Omega 3: Omega 3 is found in fish - like salmon and tuna - and in oilseeds. It increases basal metabolism, improves fluid retention and facilitates communication between the body's cells.

-Ice water: Ice water can help! Research has shown that by ingesting it, your body spends energy to raise the temperature that is considered adequate by the body (somewhere between 36 ° C and 37 ° C). However, the effect is very light. For better results, drink around six to eight glasses of water per day, as this can increase your caloric expenditure by up to 200kcal.

In addition to natural thermogenic foods, there are also thermogenic supplements that can help you lose weight, and are now very popular in the weight loss industry. In addition, some research has pointed out that with the variation of doses and combinations of ingredients in these industrialized products, cardiovascular and humoral side effects can occur.

Restrictions on consumption and side effects:

People with hyperthyroidism should not ingest the natural thermogenic foods, because their metabolism is already very high, providing greater risk of loss of muscle mass.

Children and pregnant women, people with heart disease, hypertension, migraine, ulcers and allergies should not abuse these foods, as they can lead to increased blood pressure, hypoglycemia, insomnia, nervousness and tachycardia.

Consumed in excess can cause symptoms such as dizziness, insomnia, headache and gastrointestinal problems.

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